Logo Mark

Plus Storage

Brand Identity Design Concept

Industry: Facilities

Plus Storage has been a trusted name for over 50 years, providing secure, spacious storage solutions across multiple locations in the US. Its facilities offer safe and affordable storage units, ensuring peace of mind for individuals looking to store their belongings. With ample space and top-notch security measures, Plus Storage is the go-to choice for anyone seeking extra storage space.

This project features brand identity and web design concepts for an example company called “Plus Storage”, incorporating common elements and aesthetics of storage facilities with a distinct appearance.

Home Page - Plus Storage

The journey began with drawing inspiration from a local storage company, envisioning a transformation from a modest enterprise to a sophisticated brand. Extensive research into various storage companies, both local and franchised, unearthed valuable insights and commonalities, laying the groundwork for our concept.

Color Palette (Green, Tan, Gold)

With a keen eye on detail, we meticulously crafted the business concept, refining elements such as the name, description, and overall brand identity. Drawing from our research findings, we curated a palette that exuded freshness and warmth, with green as the primary color symbolizing renewal and vitality.

Konnect Typeface
About Us Page

Taking cues from the aesthetics of existing storage companies, we embarked on the design phase, seamlessly integrating familiar elements while infusing our unique flair. Central to our design philosophy was the inclusion of a prominent search utility, reflecting industry norms and facilitating swift access to storage options.

Careers Page

This project served as an exhilarating exploration into an industry ripe with possibilities. It underscored the significance of thoughtful design, emphasizing the narrative woven through each page. Leveraging modular components, we achieved a harmonious blend of functionality and creativity, enriching the user experience and elevating the brand’s story.

Branding and Home Page on Tablet and Laptop